Solar Dealers: You Need to Offer a DIY Option

June 26, 2024

As the solar industry continues to grow and evolve, staying ahead of the competition means adapting to new trends and consumer demands. One of the most significant shifts in the market has been the rise of the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) option, which has already revolutionized other door-to-door industries like home security and pest control. Only the companies that embraced this change have thrived. Now, it's time for solar dealers to follow suit and offer a DIY option to their customers.

The DIY Revolution in Door-to-Door Sales

Industries such as home security and pest control have successfully transitioned to DIY models, catering to a growing demographic of customers who prefer a hands-on approach. By providing DIY kits, these industries have managed to reduce costs, increase sales, and meet the needs of a broader audience. Solar dealers can learn from this shift, as many prospective solar customers are also skilled and eager to install their systems.

Financial Benefits of DIY Solar

One of the primary reasons customers shy away from traditional solar installations is the high cost. A professionally installed solar system can be prohibitively expensive for many households.

However, by offering a DIY option, dealers can provide a more affordable alternative—about 40% less than the national average. This cost reduction makes solar accessible to a wider range of people who are keen to save on energy bills but cannot afford the initial outlay for a full-service installation.

Capturing Sales That Might Otherwise Be Lost

Incorporating a DIY option into your sales strategy isn't just about meeting demand; it's about capturing sales that would otherwise fall through. Many potential customers are enthusiastic about solar but hesitant due to the installation costs. By offering a DIY solution, you can turn these hesitant prospects into satisfied customers. Plus, you still earn a commission through our competitive redline and profit-sharing model, which only gets better with higher volumes!

Comprehensive Support for DIY Customers

All you need to do is sell the customer and collect their deposit. That's it!

We handle:

  • all the engineering and design work
  • assist with the permitting process
  • send out a customized solar kit
  • give detailed installation instructions

This comprehensive support ensures that customers feel confident in their ability to install their solar systems and appreciate the value they receive.

Why Solar Dealers Need to Offer a DIY Option

In today's competitive market, adapting to consumer preferences is crucial for success. Offering a DIY option not only addresses the financial concerns of many potential customers but also appeals to those who enjoy taking on projects themselves. By providing a more affordable and flexible solution, solar dealers can expand their customer base, increase sales, and stay ahead of the competition.

Embrace the DIY trend and watch your business grow. The future of solar sales lies in adaptability and innovation, and offering a DIY option is a step in the right direction.

By following this approach, solar dealers can better meet the diverse needs of their customers and thrive in an ever-evolving market. Let's take the leap and make solar energy accessible to everyone, one DIY kit at a time.

Interested in learning more about our dealer program? Email us at and we will be happy to get on a call with you!

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